Morell agent based modeling evaluation

Surprises in Programs and their Evaluations

Jonathan (Jonny) A. Morell, PhD

Evaluation & Planning

Recent Posts

The Logic in Logic Models Part 1: Extending Models in the Directions of Less, and More Specificity

How do we Know? Some Interviews With Scientists

Early Childhood Development Action Network Master Class in Systems Thinking: Complex System Behaviors that Can Help Us Plan and Evaluate

Evaluation as Social Technology

How to Evaluate a Conference

Eat dessert first. Life is uncertain.
Good advice. True observation.

Any yet, we must soldier on, trying to predict what will happen and to explain why things work out as they do. My professional life has grappled with prediction and explanation through the lens of program evaluation. I have come to appreciate how much, and how little, evaluation can tell us. Sometimes it is “much”. Sometime is “little”. Sometimes it is “much” and “little” at the same time. This blog expresses my engagement with what evaluation can do, what it cannot do, what it should do, and what it should not do. About the graphic.

Contributions to this blog are most welcome. If you are interested, please contact me at