When you get our Accuplacer study guide discount bundle, you will save $9.99 – like getting one study guide for free!
Our Accuplacer study guide PDF bundle has comprehensive examples, explanations, and sample test questions for all of the parts of the Next Generation Exam.
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Please have a look at our downloads website where you can compare information on the various materials that we offer:
Please click on the link below to see the free online version of the test.
Our practice tests will help familiarize you with the format and flow of the actual test and will improve your testing performance.
Our online tests have an instant feedback feature that tells you if your response was correct or not.
The instant feedback feature on the online tests gives you an explanation and test tips after each question.
It is this instant feedback that cements the concepts in your memory for the real test.
Our Accuplacer Study Guide PDFs contain modules on the following topics:
This PDF study guide covers:
The reading study guide has study tips and tricks for answering reading questions more effectively.
The math download is very extensive. It gives all of the formulas that you need for the test and provides illustrated problems for each one.
The following skills are illustrated in the QRAS warm-up section:
The algebra and advanced math problems will help you with these areas:
The algebra part of the publication also illustrates these advanced mathematical concepts:
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