We will not block usage of unsupported browsers, but display issues may result if using older versions of Internet Explorer. Microsoft no longer supports Internet Explorer versions 8, 9, and 10 and continuing to use them can introduce security risks. We recommend upgrading as soon as possible to one of the supported browsers identified above.
The above minimum standards are expected for use of Risk Qualifier/Calculator and Mobile Point of Sale Decision tools (where available).
To assist you with viewing the documents supplied on our website, we have compiled some answers to the following frequently asked questions.
The documents that you can request from our website are supplied in Adobe ® Portable Document Format (PDF). PDF is a universal file format for distributing electronic forms. PDF documents can be viewed and printed on many different types of computer systems, regardless of what type of computer system they were created upon.
In order to view and print PDF documents, you need to have the Adobe ® Reader ® (formerly called Adobe ® Acrobat ® Reader ® ) software installed on your computer. If you don't have it, you can download Adobe Reader for free from the Adobe web site by clicking on the button below. It takes about 10 to 20 minutes to download and install Adobe Reader (on a 56K dial-up connection to the internet), but you only have to do it once. This will probably not be the last time you encounter a PDF document.
The Adobe Reader can be used as a stand-alone application or as a plug-in for Internet Explorer or Netscape. If the browser plug-in is installed, then when you click on a link to a report on our website, the report will be displayed within your browser window, as shown in the image below. Please note that the Adobe Reader toolbar is displayed beneath your browser's toolbar. To save or print the report you will need to click the Save or Print buttons on the Adobe Reader toolbar, and not the buttons on your browser's menu.
If you already have the Adobe Reader installed, and are still encountering problems with displaying documents, the Reader software may be misconfigured, or the browser plug-in may not be installed. Many configuration problems can be solved by downloading a fresh copy of the Reader software from Adobe and reinstalling it.
Some forms offered for download are not meant to be printed on standard letter-size 8.5 x 11-inch paper. These forms are highlighted on the forms page.
If you experience a problem where your printer is not prompting you to feed the right size of paper, and instead is shrinking the output to fit on 8.5 x 11-inch paper, check the following setting in your Adobe Reader software:
With the document open in the Adobe Reader, select File | Print from the menu bar. In the Print window, make sure that the "Choose Paper Source by PDF page size" checkbox is checked. (Note the the behavior of the page length shown in the print preview panel as you check or uncheck the setting.)
Please note, for legal compliance, all forms should be printed in the correct size, which was originally approved by your state insurance commissioner.
If the Adobe Reader software is installed and configured correctly, and you still can not display documents, there may be a problem in the configuration of your browser. If you are using Internet Explorer from within a corporate network, check the following settings: Go to Tools | Internet Options | Advanced | HTTP 1.1 Settings. The boxes next to "Use HTTP 1.1" and "Use HTTP 1.1 through proxy connections" should be checked.
1.800.423.9765 | PRIVACY POLICY | Copyright ©2024 Columbian Mutual Life Insurance Company
Columbian Life Insurance Company is not licensed in every state. Product availability may vary by state.