The Nova Scotia College of Registered Counselling Therapists cannot make recommendations or referrals for individual Counselling Therapists. This Directory allows members of the public to find the name and contact information of a counselling therapist according to the following search criteria:
Location (health region)
Clientele Served (age group, etc.)
Language(s) of Service
Community Affiliation (Indigenous, African Nova Scotian and/or 2SLGBTQ2A+)
The directory permits searches based on any combination of criteria. For example, if you wish to find a counselling therapist in the Western region of the province, entering “Western” into the appropriate search box will provide a list of all counselling therapists offering services in that region. You could also narrow your search by adding “Couples” “Spanish” and “2SLGBTQ2A+” to obtain a list of all counselling therapists in the Western region who identify as a member of the 2SLGBTQ2A+ community who work with couples in Spanish.
Each counselling therapist’s registration status and discipline record will also be displayed.
Note: The Counsellor Directory is voluntary and compiled by registrants wishing to display their business information publicly. It does not contain information about all registrants of the College. To check the registration status and discipline record of all registrants go to License Status Search to view the Official Registry.
Members of the public are encouraged to protect their safety by ensuring that they receive counselling therapy services from a licensed professional. Only those names listed in the Official Registry are licensed to call themselves Registered Counselling Therapists (RCT) or Registered Counselling Therapist- Candidates (RCT-C) and to practice “counselling therapy” in the province of Nova Scotia